Dr.WEB CureIT!automatically detects the language of the OS it is installed to andsets the scanner interface accordingly (if the local language is notsupported, English is enabled).
Dr.WEB CureIt! supports thefollowing languages: Russian, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian,Byelorussian, Czech, English, Estonian, French, Georgian, German,Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese,Slovakian, Spanish, Ukrainian.
Dr.WEB CureIt! contains the mostup-to-date add-ons to the Dr.WEB virus bases going up to twice per hourfrequency at periods of high malware submissions
Dr.WEB CureIT! detects and removes
■ Mass-mailing worms
■ E-mail viruses
■ Peer-to-peer viruses
■ Internet worms
■ File viruses
■ Trojans
■ Stealth viruses
■ Polymorphic viruses
■ Bodiless viruses
■ Macro viruses
■ MS Office viruses
■ Script viruses
■ Spyware
■ Spybots
■ Password stealers
■ Keyloggers
■ Paid Dialers
■ Adware
■ Riskware
■ Hacktools
■ Backdoors
■ Joke programs
■ Malicious scripts
■ Other malware
Download Update Dr.WEB CureIt! 6.00.2 Terbaru Agustus 2010
Klik Disini
Anti Virus 100% Gratis dengan fitur dan kemampuan handal. Selalu di Update tiap Bulan, Menghapus semua virus yang mengganggu yang datang dari Internet. Download Dr.Web CureIt! 6
Refrensi : Softpedia.com
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